All fields marked with * are required and must be filled.
Use this form to report results from taking an at home COVID-19 test, also known as an over the counter test or self test. Your response is confidential, and reporting your test result helps the Health Department understand how many Vermonters are being tested for COVID-19 and how the virus is spreading in our communities.
Please note: This test may not count for employers or travel. You may need additional lab testing depending on the requirements of your employer or travel airline or destination. Public Health will require follow-up PCR testing if you are requesting a clearance letter.
We do not recommend that you get an additional PCR test to confirm your positive rapid home antigen result.
A positive COVID-19 test result requires that you notify your employer immediately - please notify your employer and any schools or programs you have attended in person in the last week.
Privacy Statement: We may collect personally identifiable information as required either by law or in order for us to provide a requested service. We have privacy and security measures in place to safeguard personally identifiable information.